Seniors Health

Seasonal Flu Vaccination

Regular immunisation (vaccination) is given free of charge to the following at-risk people, to protect them from seasonal flu:

  • people aged 65 or over,
  • people with a serious medical condition
  • if you are pregnant
  • people living in a residential or nursing home
  • the main carers for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer becomes ill
  • healthcare or social care professionals directly involved in patient care

For more information on flu immunisation, including background information on the vaccine and how you can get the jab, see Seasonal flu jab

HPA – Season Flu Guide

Seasonal Flu Factsheet

Eating Well & Exercise – helping you maintain a healthy body

We’re bombarded with scare stories about weight, from size zero to the obesity ‘epidemic’. But a healthy body is determined by different factors for each of us:

NHS – Good Food Guide

Information on a healthy diet and ways to make it work for you:

NHS – Why be active?

Even a little bit of exercise will make you feel better about yourself, boost your confidence and cut your risk of developing a serious illness.

These links all come from trusted resources but if you are unsure about these or any other medical matters please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.